Thursday, July 9, 2009

Chrysler-Fiat or Somebody called!!

We recieved a call from Chrysler but not Chrysler.Tried to talk me into keeping the Jeep.Told me I signed a contract and was committed to that contract.I preceeded to tell the gentleman that Chrysler also signed a contract with fire fighters,policeman and teachers. He said that wasn't important, that did not pertain to our agreement.But I feel he was very wrong. My agreement was with an American Car Company that has been respected for many decades.If you said you owned a Jeep ,you knew you had a stand up company behind that name. Well,that has all changed.That stand up Company is no more,oh they may have the name but it isn't American. It is Italian.That is okay but that wansn't the deal. That is bad business, I don't care if the Government was acting like the sky was falling,bad business. I am not fall behind and march to whatever tune they play. These are sad days for America. We are Americans, we don't expect a hand out we just expect a fair shake.Which means when you make a deal you keep it!!Chrysler or Fiat or Government ,whoever owns the thing,left allot of hardworking people out in the cold,justifying it,as necessary! If we don't make the hard desicions now-they will be much harder down the road!!No regrets and God Bless America!!!

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