Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chrysler- I Am Breaking My Promise Too!!

This is has been brewing for a very long time-But when the Supreme Court did not stop the sheer lunacy of what our Government is doing -I had to do something!!I heard someone say-to protest in the Spirit of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr,meaning a Protest that is peaceful , sometimes depriving self, but getting the message across!!This is my protest!! It is peaceful, and yes, my credit will be devastated-there has to be pain so there can be gain!! And it will give my message loud and clear!! I am doing this knowing full well the consequences and knowing full well that I will accept them!!This is our Country -not the Governments!!It is suppose to be our Government -For us,by us-and this is absurd to throw out hundreds of years of precedent!!Sacrificing our rule of law for what?We don't even know, we are just suppose to be quiet and take it !! Here is my commitment to this Country!!!!God Bless America!! Don Martin -Boise ID
P.S Irony of this, is that this vehicle is a Jeep LIBERTY!!
The posting has been opened -anyone can post!!Thanks


  1. I hope you and your family are seen as the true Americans that you are. God bless , and hope your peaceful protest goes as well as possible.

  2. Comrade, I was moved to tears when I saw this blog. I literally shook with emotion. It is just so inspiring to see one man stand up to the the tyranny of government, shake a tight fist in controlled rage at the the monstrous machine and cry out "You Bastards". I hope you succeed, I really really do. My thoughts, now and always, are with you in you struggle.

    By the way, how do you find the Jeep? I found the clutch was temperamental and it accelerated like a steam ship and I was tempted to trade it in for a Honda, but stay American I always say. Stay American

  3. Thanks for your support! I have found that this Jeep has been great for us and have only good things to say regarding the vehicle. My problem is with the manufacturer and their abilty to build a great car and then blow off the people who financially backed them. The problem is these laws have been in motion since the begenning of our financial history in America and it only took about 1 year to destroy them. I know this will destroy my credit however I am taking this stand and hope others will stand with me!

  4. Rock on buddy. We all need to take a stand, and all it takes is one brave man to start the avalache. It makes me sick to see all these bankers getting money to save them from their incompetence while decent Joe's get nothing. It's despicable I tell ya.

    I should have known my Jeep would be trouble when I saw the salesman. All big white teeth, lacquered hair and clamy skin. It was like shaking hands with a reptile when I struck the deal. Goddam he wore so much gold I thought he'd mugged Mr.T. I should drive it back to that moron and get a refund

  5. I know how you feel-this is all very crazy!!What is really scary-nobody is objecting in the masses.But this is awesome.Standing up-You have our support!!!
